Духовная новости Spiritual News

предлагаю всем нам иметь постоянные дискуссии здесь для само развития без анализа (анализ паралич), и найти лучшие способы сделать нашу повседневную жизнь более продуктивной и радостной.

Мы уже на небе, и теперь нам надо только открыть глаза (третий глаз), наше сознание, чтобы видет что оно вокруг нас.

Jai Jagannath brothers and sisiter! Well its a time of global oneness,a time when the idea of time and space is all shrinking.Some of us are heading towards progression on the material plane ,while many of us are heading towards the etheral plane where our consciousness is developing to the extent of Godliness.
At this time it is time for us to be united and pray for the betterment of mankind.

To be a spiritual person means to be aware of everything around us,we do not necessarily leave our jobs and run after enlightenment.The three qualities of man can be richly followed (Satva,Rajas and Tamas) by proper knowledge.The way you can drive a car and you can fix it at any time if you know where the engine is and how it works.A few manipulations here and there stars the engine.Like wise if you know the engine of your life and know what to tighten and what to  loosen,the chariot of your life will also run at great speed and ease.

So I propose all of us to have constant discussions here regarding self development with out much analysis(analysis is paralysis),and find better ways to make our daily lives more productive and joyous.

We are already in heaven,now we just have to open our eyes (third eye) ,our consciousness to see it around us.
So my friends keep this topic alive with your valuable thoughts

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